Welcome to

Where the customer is empowered
with knowledge and skills to create and innovate


“Technology is Freedom, Tech Knowledge is Power!”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2009 Walt Perko

Daily Robot Gaming & Building, Education & Innovation for all ... our goal? 24/7!

2D & 3D CAD

Arts & Craft Shop

Member Innovations

Class Schedules

a small donation helps to expand the shop shares

Robots & Lasers Gaming

Home Hobby Robot Kits

Recycling Every Day Packaging

RoboGuts™ circuit boards and Lessons

What is an L'Robotorium Shop

Other Projects

How 2 be an L'Robotorium Shop


The local User Group Meetings one evening every Month!

Recycling is a huge part of any community and we aim to recycle plastics and paper ... as much of it as we can ...

RePurposing the materials into new products manufactured right here in the L'Robotorium Shop.

Type 2 Plastics ... Milk Cartons, Medicine Bottles can be recycled into blocks to be CNC Milled into products.

Red Plastic Milk Carton Lids melted into a 125mm x 30mm block;

Melted at 550°F/288°C

Proposed CNC Milled Children's Cereal Bowl;

Some plastic printers might even be used to Print new parts and toys.

TurkeyBinBot ... made from a cold cuts plastic bin;

Paper/Cardboard can be recycled into robot gaming arenas. Even make a paper maché like boards to CNC designs and images on that board to create gaming areana themes and decor ...

As children bring in materials for recycling, they will get shop credit towards recycled materials for their projects.

Shop Mentors and Small Classes = members train at their pace
Safety Coordinators = Safe Machining

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Yes there are investment opportunities with us

One of our goals is to open an L'Robotorium Shop in your community!

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